Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Which Disasters Are Covered by Home Insurance?
Posted: February 1, 2022
Natural disasters can wreak havoc on a home – or destroy it entirely. Homeowner’s insurance provides financial protection against covered damages to your home and personal belongings, and liability for injuries to others in certain circumstances. No home insurance policy covers all natural disasters. It is important to understand the type of policy you have and which disasters it covers. What Does Standard Homeowners Insurance...
Best Seasonal Benefits Your Team Will Love
Posted: January 28, 2022
The benefits workers want most can change with the seasons. What seems particularly appealing in the spring or summer months may change in the fall or winter. The following are seasonal benefits your employees are bound to love. Let Them Off Early On Fridays This benefit is particularly popular during the summer months. Employees who are allowed to leave an hour early on Fridays appreciate...
Can I Change My Health Insurance If I Move?
Posted: January 25, 2022
If you move across town, you may not be able to change your health insurance. If you move out of state, on the other hand, you may be required to change it. Your health insurance may not cross state lines with you. Some plans may terminate when you move to a different state or may not provide coverage in the new state. If you purchased...
How Do Medicare Advantage Plans Work?
Posted: January 21, 2022
Medicare has four different parts -- Part A (hospitalization), Part B (healthcare services), Part C (Medicare Advantage Plans), and Part D (prescription drug coverage). Medicare Advantage Plans are an alternative to Original Medicare for Part A and Part B coverage. These plans are offered by private companies approved by Medicare and administered according to set Medicare rules. Because they work like private health insurance, Part...
Common Life Insurance Riders to Consider
Posted: January 21, 2022
Life insurance can play a vital role in financial planning for your family’s future. It is primarily designed to provide for your loved ones when you are gone. You can also add supplemental benefits with riders – amendments to your life insurance policy. Riders make it possible to opt in for benefits not typically included in basic life insurance policies and to modify your policy...