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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

How to Find the Right Caregiver

How to Find the Right Caregiver

If you have an elderly relative or a younger person with physical or mental limitations, you may need to find a caregiver. Every situation requires a specific level of training to provide the support your loved one needs. The caregiver becomes part of your family and choosing right could not be more important. What Type of Caregiver is Right for Your Loved One? Depending on...

How Should I Budget for Business Insurance?

How Should I Budget for Business Insurance?

Your business insurance should cover every possible risk for your operation. It may surprise you that as a basic calculation, the entire range of business insurances, including commercial liability, commercial property insurance, health insurance for employees, workers’ compensation, and other insurances should be budgeted at about 20 to 30 percent of expected gross sales. Smaller businesses can expect to budget far less. Every industry, and...

Latino History Month

Latino History Month

Latino History Month, or officially, “National Hispanic Heritage Month,” runs from September 15 to October 15 each year. During the month, we celebrate the history and many contributions to the American life experience, and the beauty these cultures. Among our population, millions of people have a family background from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, or South America. Each of these cultures is unique, and each deserves...

How HRAs Offset Premiums & Deductibles For Group Plans

How HRAs Offset Premiums & Deductibles For Group Plans

A health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) can offset premiums and deductibles in a group health insurance plan. These savings are realized when a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) is combined with a Deductible-Gap HRA. Employers can benefit by saving money and reducing overhead with a high deductible, while the effect on employees is offset by the HRA. What Is An HRA? An HRA is an employer-funded account...

How Much Sun Is Too Much Sun?

How Much Sun Is Too Much Sun?

It is common knowledge that too much sun exposure is bad for your skin. Most people also know that we need sunlight to make vitamin D, a micronutrient that aids bone growth and absorption of calcium, controls cell growth, regulates immunity, and helps prevent inflammation. Unfortunately, it can be tricky balance between getting the sunshine we need to produce adequate vitamin D and risking overexposure...