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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

What Can I Expect My Worker's Compensation to Cover?

What Can I Expect My Worker's Compensation to Cover?

Your business’s workers’ compensation policy protects against lawsuits filed by injured employees. The trade-off is the cost of these policies eats into your profits. Every workers’ compensation policy is slightly different, and it is important to know what it does and does not cover. Your Workers’ Compensation Policy – Are You Getting the Best Deal? Essentially, workers’ compensation covers injured or ill employees in job-related...

Should I Purchase a Car with License Plate Lights?

Should I Purchase a Car with License Plate Lights?

Depending on where you live, you may be required to have license plate lights. Consider buying a car with license plate lights or installing a light on your existing vehicles. The lights illuminate your license plate, and if your state requires it, ensure the lights are in good working order – you could be pulled over and cited if the light is burned out.  Advantages...

Here’s How to Get the Most Out of Your Plan

Here’s How to Get the Most Out of Your Plan

You pay for health insurance – but may not know you could get more out of it! If you have health insurance but are unsure what it offers, you may miss out on some important benefits.  Review Your Health Insurance Plan Each Year. Every health insurance company offers a slightly different set of services, with many mandated by the Affordable Care Act. If you tend...

5 Fitness Tips to Improve Flexibility and Balance

5 Fitness Tips to Improve Flexibility and Balance

Two of the most troubling effects of age are loss of physical flexibility and balance issues. While these changes may be natural, it doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it! We have assembled some fitness tips for seniors who need to improve flexibility and balance. Stretches Stretching exercises are effective in helping to maintain flexibility. Whether you are active, frequently take walks, cycle, or...

Benefits That Will Spread a Little Cheer to Your Employees

Benefits That Will Spread a Little Cheer to Your Employees

Your employees rely on your company's benefits, including health insurance, dental insurance, or even the cost of education. The better the benefits package, the more likely you will attract the best talent – benefits are a factor in a competitive job market. Even with an excellent benefits package, spread a little cheer to your employees during the holidays by offering some unique benefits. Holiday Bonuses...